
Combinatorial Stable Marriages for DBMS Semantic Joins 馃拲

How can the 2012 Nobel Prize in Economics, Vector Search, and the world of dating come together? What are the implications for the future of databases? And why do Multi-Modal AI model evaluation datasets often fall short? Synopsis: Stable Marriages are generally computed from preference lists. Those consume too much memory. Instead, one can dynamically recalculate candidate lists using a scalable Vector Search engine. However, achieving this depends on having high-quality representations in a shared Vector Space....

July 18, 2023 路 10 min 路 2102 words 路 Ash Vardanian

We went through life with a smile 馃挃

We went through life with a smile. Now I am smiling through tears, alone. Yesterday was the memorial service. One week ago, I didn鈥檛 know what that meant. Yesterday I was sitting next to a coffin with the love of my life and our daughter in it. Today I must share their story. Sona There was a girl no one knew. Some have seen her, and some talked to her. Some were friends, and some were relatives, but she was so much more than anyone could have imagined....

April 29, 2022 路 15 min 路 3031 words 路 Ash Vardanian